The ACT! webinar series opened with the lecture on SDGs and ESG – objectives and instruments for greening economic development of Russia by Dr. Evgeny Shvarts

  • 7 September 2021

The SUNRAISE ACT! webinar series received a great opening on September 07, 2021 with the lecture “Sustainable Development Goals and ESG – objectives and instruments for greening economic development of Russia”  by Dr. Evgeny Shvarts, Head of the Centre for Responsible Natural Resource Use of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The ACT! webinar series of MOOC on SDGs for the Arctic and High Mountains are about to start!

  • 31 August 2021

SUNRAISE is announcing the ACT! webinar series in Russian on sustainable development goals (SDGs) for the Arctic and mountain regions. The series made for the MOOC of SDGs for Arctic and mountain sustainability will portray a diversity of SDG-related issues and challenges in relation to the Arctic and mountain areas as well as offer analytical overview of relevant cases.

International Summer School START! "SusTAinability tRansiTion of borderlands" is on the run

  • 4 August 2021

The school is held at Pskov State University that is a highly acclaimed research and training centre for the development of borderland areas. Key partners include St.-Petersburg State University, Gorno-Altaisk State University, Moscow State University, Russian State Hydrometeorological University and the Siberian Federal University. The key international partner of the START! school is Estonian University of Life Sciences.
