Altai-Sayan Mountain Partnership (ASMP)

Partner description

The overall aim of the Altai-Sayan Mountain Partnership, initially established by two UNESCO Biosphere Reserves, is to support nature conservation and sustainable development of local communities in the Altai transboundary region. The thematic programmes run by the NGO include:

  • Strengthening capacities of the protected areas and world heritage sites in the Altai-Sayan Ecoregion in the fields of research and education,
  • Implementation of the projects on sustainable use of natural resources and provision of sustainable livelihoods for local communities,
  • Development of ecological tourism in the region,
  • Adaptation of local communities to climate change,
  • Conservation of natural and cultural values of the Altai transboundary region.

The NGO has built strong and efficient bridges between conservationists, local authorities and local communities thus providing synergies for its programmes. We deal with different ethnical groups of local communities – Russians, Kazakhs, Altaians.
One of the most advanced activities  is organization of trainings on adaptation to  climate change and development of environmentally-friendly microentrepreneurship initiatives for different target groups: school teachers, protected areas staff, journalists, herders and other local resource-users.


Upcoming SUNRAISE events

  • 15-29 July 2018 - International Summer School "Monitoring and Early Warnings in Mountain Social-Ecological Systems"