E-Learning Courses (joint courses are grouped according to coordinating and course hosting partners)


  1. Monitoring and early warnings in mountain social-ecological systems (SUNRAISE summer school - 2018) - e-learning, syllabus, quality assessment report
  2. Sustainable Natural Resource Use in Arctic and High Mountainous Areas (SUNRAISE summer school - 2019) - teaching materials, the conceps and detailed program, report, quality assessment report
  3. SusTAinability tRansiTion of borderlands (SUNRAISE summer school - 2021) - webpage with documents and materials


Siberian Federal University (an overview of developed courses):

  1. Biogeochemistry of permafrost landscapes, MSc, 3 ECTS - syllabus, course presentation, course review by an EU partner, e-learning, enrollment instructions

  2. Environmental Biomonitoring (Mountain module), MSc, 3 ECTS - syllabus, course presentation, guidelines for studies, textbook (in Russian), course review (in Russian), external student quality assurance, e-learning, enrollment instructions

  3. Soil Biology (Mountain and Arctic modules), BSc, 3 ECTS - syllabus, course presentation, working syllabus (in Russian), course review by an EU partner, e-learning, enrollment instructions

  4. Plant Ecology  (Mountain and Arctic modules), BSc, 3 ECTS - syllabus, course presentation, working syllabus (in Russian), course review by an EU partnere-learning, enrollment instructions

  5. Sustainable Development (Mountain and Arctic modules), BSc, 3 ECTS - syllabus, course presentation, working syllabus (in Russian), course review (in Russian), course review by an EU partner, e-learning, enrollment instructions

  6. Natural-resource potential of regions (Mountain and Arctic modules), BSc, 3 ECTS - syllabus, course presentation, working syllabus (in Russian), course review (in Russian), course review by an EU partner, e-learning, enrollment instructions

*NOTE! If you want to study any of the SFU SUNRAISE course suggested, you need to receive login and password to get an access to e-learning system. Please submit your e-courses access inquiries to Irina Borisova (SFU Institute of Ecology and Geography, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs) to her e-mail:


Russian State Hydrometeorological University (an overview of developed courses):

  1. Specifics of the Nature Management on the Arctic shelf, MSc, 3 ECTS - syllabus, course presentation, e-learning, working syllabus (in Russian), course review (in Russian)

  2. Adaptation of Man and Society to the Climate and its Changes, MSc, 3 ECTS - syllabus, course presentation, e-learning, course review (in Russian), working syllabus (in Russian)

  3. Synoptic Meteorology of the Polar Regions, BSc, 2 ECTS - syllabus, working syllabus (in Russian), course review (in Russian)

*NOTE! If you want to study any of the RSHU SUNRAISE course suggested, you need to receive login and password to get an access to e-learning system. Please submit your e-courses access inquiries to Anna Cheremnykh (RSHU Open and Distance Learning Unit) to her e-mail:

Gorno-Altaisk State University (an overview of developed courses):

  1. Environmental design and expertise, BSc, 3 ECTS - syllabus, course overview presentation, working syllabus (in Russian), course review by stakeholders (in Russian), course review by an EU partner, internal quality assurance summary (2019), internal quality assurance summary (2020), internal quality assurance summary (2021), study guide (textbook), textbook review by stakeholders (in Russian), e-learning + enrollment instructions

  2. Waste management, MSc, 3 ECTS - syllabuscourse overview presentation, working syllabus (in Russian), course review (in Russian), course review by an EU partner, internal quality assurance summary (2019), course review by stakeholders (in Russian), e-learning + enrollment instructions

  3. Sustainable development of mountain territories, MSc, 3 ECTS - syllabuscourse overview presentation, working syllabus in Russian (05.04.02, 05.04.06), course review (in Russian), course review by stakeholders (in Russian), course review by an EU partner, internal quality assurance summary (2019), internal quality assurance summary (2020), e-learning + enrollment instructions

  4. A Special Course in a Foreign Language (based on the MOOC “Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories in the Context of the Concept of Ecosystem Services”), BSc, 2 ECTS - syllabus, course overview presentation, working syllabus in Russian, textbook, textbook external course review (in Russian), course review by stakeholders (in Russian), course review by an EU partner, internal quality assurance summary (2020), e-learning + enrollment instructions


Kumaun University (an overview of developed courses, accreditation, QA reviews by stakeholders (collated) - AAROHI, CHEA, NCGG, UTTARAPATH*):

  1. Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Himalaya, MA/MSc, 4 ECTS - syllabus, course review by a stakeholder, lectures' plan, course review by an EU partner, internal student quality assurance (October 2020), internal faculty staff quality assurance (October 2020)

  2. Integrated Mountain Development with Special Reference to Indian Himalaya, MA/MSc, 4 ECTS - syllabus, course review by a stakeholder, lecture notes, course review by an EU partner, internal student quality assurance (October 2020), internal faculty staff quality assurance (October 2020)

  3. Integrated Watershed Management, MA/MSc, 4 ECTS - syllabus, course review by a stakeholder, lecture notes, course review by an EU partner, internal student quality assurance (October 2020), internal faculty staff quality assurance (October 2020)

  4. Natural Resource Management, MA/MSc, 4 ECTS - syllabus, course review by a stakeholder, lectures' plan, course review by an EU partner, internal student quality assurance (October 2020), internal faculty staff quality assurance (October 2020)

* some stakeholders had supplied their review in a collated form, while others for individual ъdisciplines


Jawaharlal Nehru University (an overview of developed courses):

  1. New Course 1: Risk, Vulnerability and Resilience: Concepts and Understanding, MA (offered on AY 2019/20 and 2020/21, 1st semester July-December), 4 ECTS - syllabus, lecture material, course review by stakeholders, course review by an EU partner, evaluation report by students (AY 2019/20; AY2020/21), accreditation document
  2. New Course 2: Remote Sensing, GIS for Emergency Management, MA (offered on AY 2019/20 and 2020/21, 2nd semester January-June), 4 ECTS - syllabus, lecture materials, course review by stakeholders, course review by an EU partner, evaluation report by students (AY 2019/20; AY2020/21), accreditation document
  3. New Course 3: Ecosystem Approach for Disaster Risk Reduction, MA (offered on AY 2019/20, 3rd semester July-December), 4 ECTS  - syllabus, lecture materials, course review by stakeholders, course review by an EU partner, evaluation report by students (AY 2019/20), accreditation document
  4. Revised Course 1: Ecosystem Processes, MPhil (offered on AY 2020/21 1st semester July-December), 2 ECTS - syllabus, course review by stakeholders, course review by an EU partner, evaluation report by students (AY 2020/21), accreditation document 1, accreditation document 2
  5. Revised Course 2: Man & Tropical Forest Ecosystem Function, MPhil  (offered on AY 2020/21 2nd semester January-June), 2 ECTS) - syllabus, course review by stakeholders, course review by an EU partner, evaluation report by students (AY 2020/21), accreditation document 1, accreditation document 
  6. New Course 4: Himalayan Ecology, MPhil (offered on AY 2020/21 2nd semester January-June), 2 ECTS - syllabus, course review by stakeholders, course review by an EU partner, evaluation report by students (AY 2020/21), accreditation document 1, accreditation document 2


Royal University of Bhutan (an overview of developed courses):

  1. Hydrology, BSc, 5 ECTS - syllabus, accreditation document, course review by an EU partner

  2. Climate Change Assessment and Mitigation, BSc, 4 ECTS -  syllabus, accreditation document, course review by an EU partner

  3. Natural Resource Management, MSc, 5 ECTS - syllabus, accreditation document, course review by an EU partner

  4. Water Resource Management, BSc, 4 ECTS - syllabus, accreditation document, course review by an EU partner


Paris Lodron University of Salzburg:

  1. Ecological Aspects of Urbanization in Mountain Areas, MSc/PhD, 3 ECTS (optional course) - syllabus, lecture notesteaching materials, course abstract


Massive open online courses

  1. SDGs for the Arctic and High Mountains, with implications for policy, management and planning (course presentation, course e-learning, course website)
  2. Introduction to the Arctic environment and permafrost zones, with an overview of biophysical, social and economic systems, available knowledge and science-policy interfaces (course e-learning, course overview presentation; external student quality assurance);
  3. Sustainable development of mountain areas in the context of the concept of ecosystem services (syllabus, video introduction; course overview presentation; sign up for the course here, enrollment instructions) - course review by stakeholders (in Russian).

*NOTE! If you want to study the MOOC «Introduction to the Arctic environment and permafrost zones, with an overview of biophysical, social and economic systems, available knowledge and science-policy interfaces», you need to receive login and password to get an access to e-learning system. Please submit your e-courses access inquiries to Irina Borisova (SFU Institute of Ecology and Geography, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs) to her e-mail: