Conference agenda

More details be made available after the abstract submission deadline passes. The following sessions are prelimenery planned on March 18-19, 2020:

Thematic Sessions

Thematic Session-I

Water Resources: Conservation, Replenishment and Sustainable Utilization Water Resources; Drinking Water, Irrigation; Watershed and Spring-shed Development

Thematic Session-II

Forest and Biodiversity: Forest Resources Management; Biodiversity Conservation; Human-Wildlife Conflicts

Thematic Session-III

Land Resources: Land Use, Land Use Policy and Planning, Land Degradation; Land and Soil Conservation; Sustainable Land Resource Management

Thematic Session-IV

Climate Change Impacts: Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability; Glaciers; Water, Agriculture, Food, Health, Livelihood, Tourism; Community Perception of Climate Change Impact; Gender Implications of Climate Change

Thematic Session-V

Climate Change and Natural Disasters: Extreme Weather Events; Landslides; Flood and Flash Flood; Drought; Disaster Resilient Socio-ecological System; Community based Disaster Risk Management; Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation

Thematic Session-VI

Climate Change Adaptation and Mainstreaming: Climate Change Adaptation in Water, Agriculture, Food, Health, Livelihood, Urban and Tourism Sectors; Climate Change Adaptation Governance; Women and Climate Change Adaptation; Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation

Thematic Session-VII

Environmental Impact Assessment: Environmental Monitoring; Environmental Auditing; Environmental Budgeting; Environmental Impact of Hydropower and other Projects

Thematic Session-VIII

Urban Environmental Challenges: Urban Ecosystems; Urban Landscape Planning; Mountain Urbanization; Urban Ecosystem Services; Urban Biodiversity; Sustainable Urban Water Management; Climate Smart Urban Development

Thematic Session-IX

Environmental Governance: Environmental Conservation; Nature Based Solutions to Environmental Problems; Institutions and Environmental Governance; Sustainable Livelihood and Environmental Management; Environmental Education; Traditional Knowledge and Environmental Management

March 20, 2020 is reserved for field trips.