Сибирский федеральный университет (СФУ)

Описание партнера

Siberian Federal University (SFU) with over 35 000 students and a vibrant learning environment annually invites more than 200 visiting professors, researchers from the UK, Germany, Spain, USA and and other states.  Siberian Federal University receives funding from the RF Goverment to support outstanding achievements in research and discovery.
School of Ecology and Geography, one of 20 SibFU’s schools, has three departments and three research laboratories. The school offers a Bachelor’s programme in Geography and Ecology with majors in Environmental and Natural Recourse Management and Master’s programmes in Environmental Monitoring, General Ecology, Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Environmental Safety, and Ecology of Nothern Oil and Gas Areas. PhD program “Ecology” is also offer.
Krasnoyarsk region possesses a great variety of natural resources (oil, natural gas, nickel, copper, gold, timber, hydropower) and current substantial investments by the federal government and private companies accelerate industrial development while environmental problems emerge that require a timely technical and policy intervention. The academic staff of the school, with expertise in natural and social sciences, conducts research and develops courses to monitor natural resources with the input from local Siberian ecologists and biologists.
Research focuses on the following scientific problems:
-     the dynamics of forest vegetation and soils in a changing climate;
-    a role of Siberian forests in the carbon cycle;
-    the restoration of forest ecosystems under the impact of several factors, such as, fires, pollution, recreation and others;
-    environmental problems of the Arctic;
-     urboecology.

Field studies cover the whole territory of the Yenisei Siberia. Long-term observations in situ are conducted in cooperation with V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Russian Academy of Science, during field trips to the north-boreal subzone (expeditionary station “Tura”, Central Evenkia), middle-boreal subzone (expeditionary station “ZOTTO”, Turukhansk region) and south-boreal subzone (experimental field station “Pogorelskiy Bor”).


Приближающиеся проектные мероприятия

  • 15-29 июля 2018 - Международная летняя школа "Мониторинг и ранние предупреждения в горных социально-экологических системах "