Workshop and round-table “Environmental governance systems in transboundary contexts” was held in Pskov State University

Academia-Praxis workshop “Environmental governance systems in transboundary contexts” was held on July 26-27, 2021 in Pskov State University. The event was supported by international projects TERRA and SUNRAISE.
The aim of the research workshop and roundtable discussion in Pskov was to discuss the borderland topic in the context of regional development, in particular referring to environmental governance systems, thus advancing the understanding of options for sustainability transition.
The workshop covered the issues related not only to borderlands between countries but also the borderlands between the regions and territorial entities of regions and countries. The topic of the workshop was also devoted to peculiarities of lifestyle activities of borderland ethnic groups (Old Believers, Telengits, Kazakh – in Altai, Seto – on the border between Russia and Estonia) and interactions of different ethnic groups in terms of traditional lifestyle management – Russians and Tatars in the south of Siberia in particular.
The workshop and the roundtable was moderated by: Prof. Alexander Sergunin and Dr. Viktar Kireyeu of St.-Petersburg State University, Prof. Andrey Manakov of Pskov State University, Vera Kuklina of George Washington University (USA) and V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences in Irkutsk, and Dr. Anton Shkaruba of Estonian University of Life Sciences.
Workshop and roundtable conclusions shall be summarised in a report that will be published online.