Experts from 10 countries to participate in the international conference «Transboundary Regions under the Global Change»

The conference «Transboundary Regions under the Global Change - challenges and development trajectories» will be held in Gorno-Altaisk on November 26-28, 2019. It is organized by Gorno-Altaisk State University, Katunsky Biosphere Reserve (RU) and the partners of SUNRAISE project - Sustainable Natural Resource Use in Arctic and High Mountainous Areas.
The entry submission has been already closed. More than 50 participants are expected to attend the event. Scientists and experts from 10 countries confirmed their attendance – Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, China, Estonia, India, Bhutan, Austria and Switzerland.
Thematic roundtables of the conference include the meeting of the blended Russian-Kazakh Committee on cross-border management of «Altai» nature reserve that has been established on the base of Katunsky Biosphere Reserve and Katon-Karagaiskiy National Park. The agreement on cooperation between Katunsky Biosphere Reserve and Kyrgyz Reserve «Karatal-Zhapyryk» is also planned to be signed within the conference agenda.