The ACT! webinar series of MOOC on SDGs for the Arctic and High Mountains are about to start!

SUNRAISE is announcing the ACT! webinar series in Russian on sustainable development goals (SDGs) for the Arctic and mountain regions. The series made for the MOOC of SDGs for Arctic and mountain sustainability will portray a diversity of SDG-related issues and challenges in relation to the Arctic and mountain areas as well as offer analytical overview of relevant cases.
SDGs is a set of global development objectives brought up and agreed by all the United Nations member states in 2015 as a core component of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development ( They have been made as specific as possible, yet they were thought to cover all the range of development issues and to ensure sustainability transition of all the nations. Each SDG includes several specific targets operationalizing it and ensuring monitoring and progress assessment.
In 2021 the ACT! webinar series are hosted by the Russian State Hydrometeorological University, however the lecturers will represent all the institutions from the Russian segment of the partnership, as well as renowned experts from the extended partner network organisations, such as WWF-Russia, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow and St.-Petersburg State Universities.
ACT! is co-organised by a consortium of international partners working under CBHE Erasmus+ SUNRAISE. Its Russian partners include Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Siberian Federal University, Gorno-Altaisk State University, Altai-Sayany Mountain Partnership.
The latest schedule, modes of access and presenters’ profiles are available here.
The language of instruction is Russian.
The webinar lectures will be webcast through the YouTube channel of SUNRAISE.