SFU is to establish the Academician Council

SFU Academician Council was established on February 21, 2019 in its School of Ecology and Geography primarily to organize the productive collaboration with the potential employers - leading companies in the field of ecology, rational environment and land use.
The 60 % of the members of the Council are the hiring companies that are involved in educational programs development and their quality assessment.
The members of the SFU Academician Council:
- Ruslan Sharafutdinov, PhD, Director, SFU School of Ecology and Geography, Chair;
- Irina Borisova, PhD, Deputy Director on Academic Affairs, SFU School of Ecology and Geography;
- Irina Bezkorovainaia, PhD, Head of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, SFU School of Ecology and Geography;
- Alexander Savchenko, PhD, Head of the Department of Hunting Resource Studies and Nature Reserve Management, SFU School of Ecology and Geography
- Galina Yamskikh, PhD, Head of the Department of Geography, SFU School of Ecology and Geography;
- Pavel Borzykh, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Ecology and Rational Natural Resource Use of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
- Nikolai Maltsev, PhD, Deputy Manager, Office for Government Control and Supervision of Fauna and its Habitation Protection and Utilization, Ministry of Ecology and Rational Natural Resource Use of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
- Andrey Belyakov, PhD, leading specialist of Engineering Survey Department in OOO “RN-KrasnoyarskNIPIneft” – Affiliate of NK “Rosneft”;
- Viktor Matasov, Director of FGBU “Zapovedniki Taymir”;
- Maksim Zhidik, Deputy Manager of the Department of Ecology in Eastern Area Projects, OOO “Krasnoyarskgazpromneftegazproekt”;
- Vladimir Soldatov, Director of the Affiliate FBU “Roslesozaschita” – Centre for Forest Protection;
- Anastasia Knorre, PhD, Deputy Director on Science, Natural Park “Stolby”;
- Aleksander Pimenov, PhD, Deputy Director on Science, V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS, Federal Research Center “Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS”.