International Summer School "START!" - the call is open!

International Summer School "START!" - SusTAinability tRansiTion of borderlands will be held in Pskov from July 24, 2021 to August 06, 2021.
The School will be a vibrant mixture of interactive sessions, lectures and engagement with top experts and practitioners on sustainability of borderlands and transboundary cooperation for environmental protection and regional development.
As the capital of one of two Russian regions bordering three countries, Pskov is a prime location for advanced borderland education.
The START! School offers two educational tracks: Track 1 (July 24-31) that includes only the Scoping Phase and Research Phase 1, and Track 2 (July 24 – August 6) that includes the full program of the School (see the program overview further on).
The language of instruction on the START! School is Russian, however some of learning materials as well as spoken language of some of resource persons will be English.
The application deadline for those who needs visa in order to enter Russia is June 15, 2021. The deadline for all other categories of participants is June 30, 2021.
Full details about the summer school and application procedure are available here.