2018 Summer School Application is Open
Our Summer School is now accepting applications. The Summer School offers PhD/MSc students and junior researchers from universities around the world a chance to study best practices in the field of monitoring and early warnings in rapidly changing social-ecological systems of mountain regions. The school will be co-organised by SUNRAISE in July 15-29, 2018; introductory sessions will start at Siberian Federal University and Stolby Nature Reserve, theoretical and methodological training will take place on Manzherok Camp facilities in the Altai Mountains, and for the field research participants will travel to Lake Teletskoye and Katun Nature Reserve. The latest updates, including the full call for applications, detail description and the application form are available from SFU Summer Programs. The general application deadline is April 10, 2018, however the participants affiliated to the organisations from SUNRAISE partnership have to apply by March 15, 2018 in order to benefit from the travel support and other arrangements provided through SUNRAISE.
Download summer school description and preliminary program (pdf).